Night-Light Radio is a forum for spiritual enlightenment, cosmic understanding and insight into those etheric realms that ever surround us. Host, Barbara DeLong and a wide variety of fascinating guests will be sharing with you spiritual information and philosophies that you can use to enlighten your lives and open you to the creative sources you carry within. This venue allows Barbara to reach out to greater numbers of listeners and to provide them with new insight and understanding of the times we are now experiencing. We will be covering everything from the mundane to the magical and will share all of these new paradigms with laughter and love.
Tuesday Mar 07, 2023
George Adamski Biography with Gerard Aartsen - Host Mark Eddy
Tuesday Mar 07, 2023
Tuesday Mar 07, 2023
Author joins us to discuss his new publication "The Adamski Book of UFO/UAP Disclosure." Adamski's writings in the '50s and '60s seem far fetched like a voyage to Venus and underwater bases, and they quickly became controversial, but were his observations based on facts? He accurately described the Van Allen Belt that would be discovered later. What did he learn from the experiences, and what are we to learn from the ETs? Are we ready for disclosure?
GEORGE ADAMSKI - The facts in context
Monday Mar 06, 2023
Break Through the Limits of the Brain with Joseph Selbie
Monday Mar 06, 2023
Monday Mar 06, 2023
A life-changing guide to understanding your brain and how to change it—for good.
Break Through the Limits of the Brain connects the dots between the discoveries of neuroscience and the meditation-born spiritual experience, and offers proven and practical ways to tap into the life-changing, life-enhancing abilities of our superconscious potential.
The book debunks scientific materialism’s brain-based explanation for consciousness and intelligence—including the brain-as-supercomputer and artificial intelligence models—and explains the view of many prominent and open-minded scientists that an all-pervading intelligent consciousness is the foundation of reality—an age-old belief shared by saints, sages, mystics, and those who’ve had near-death experiences.
Selbie explores the current neuroscientific understanding of the brain’s influence on our thoughts, emotions, and behavior, and balances that understanding with neuroscience’s discoveries of neuroplasticity and our innate ability to rewire the brain for any new purpose—from the material to the mystical.
Meditation is a central theme of the book—what it is; how to do it; why it works; its physical, mental, and emotional benefits as measured by neuroscientists; and how it rewires the brain for superconscious awareness so you can achieve whatever you put your mind to. The book offers proven practices for bringing superconscious awareness into your life for success, energy, health, peace of mind, and lasting happiness.
Joseph Selbie makes the complex and obscure simple and clear. A founding member of the meditation-based community Ananda and a dedicated meditator for over forty years, he has taught yoga and meditation throughout the United States and Europe. He is the author of the popular The Physics of God and The Yugas.
Monday Feb 27, 2023
Monday Feb 27, 2023
Are you Experienced? Or do you know someone that is?
In his new book, Rev. Michael JS Carter refers to people who have had contact with extraterrestrials as Experiencers. Rev. Carter tells his own story and gives voice to other Experiencer's stories to explore the phenomenon of spiritual transformation through these experiences. He believes that our otherworldly visitors are here to help us evolve - before we destroy our planet.
How do you know if you are an Experiencer? Many people block these experiences because they are not part of consensus reality. Although people's contact experiences vary widely, there are certain common characteristics of people who have had them.
Rev. Carter offers this guidebook to help people understand what they may be going through, and to light the way forward.
Monday Feb 27, 2023
Neon Twilight with Solaris BlueRaven - Love and Spirituality
Monday Feb 27, 2023
Monday Feb 27, 2023
Solaris and Barbara share wisdoms and philosophies on Love and spirituality
Wednesday Feb 22, 2023
A Mystery of Mysteries with Mark Dawidziak - Host Mark Eddy
Wednesday Feb 22, 2023
Wednesday Feb 22, 2023
Long time TV critic and college professor MARK DAWIDZIAK returns to discuss his latest publication "A Mystery of Mysteries: The Death and Life of Edgar Allan Poe." This fascinating book seems like Poe would have written it himself. Mark recreates all of the background stories and cast of characters who had some type of connection with Poe's mysterious death. Was his death a crime scene or a natural death, even for a 40 year old? He interviews many Poe scholars on their views. He even delves into profiling and the use of modern medical testing. Mark masterfully unravels the legends, unreliable eyewitnesses and what the science says, but does it remain a cold case nearly 180 years later? This topic is suitable for "The Twilight Zone" and for "Kolchak" to investigate, and we'll get into those topics as well.
Home - Mark Dawidziak
Tuesday Feb 21, 2023
Beyond Atlantis with Mark Carlotto
Tuesday Feb 21, 2023
Tuesday Feb 21, 2023
In Before Atlantis, Mark Carlotto considers the idea that Atlantis was as much a time as a place, presenting evidence that the world’s most enigmatic archaeological sites could be much older than we think. The journey continues in Beyond Atlantis where he explores the vestiges of the world’s lost civilizations.
Continuing research into the origin of the world’s oldest civilizations has found a growing number of ancient sites oriented in unknown directions. However, by changing the frame of reference, changing the location of the North Pole, the orientations of these sites are easily explained.
Charles Hapgood’s theory of earth crustal displacements and pole shifts is considered fringe science, or worse, pseudo-science by the academic community. But if Hapgood is wrong why does his theory explain the alignment of hundreds of sites across the world that have no other explanation?
Beyond Atlantis presents the extraordinary evidence that science demands to support the extraordinary claim that our civilization is not the first, but only the latest chapter in a vast human history stretching back hundreds of thousand years.
Sunday Feb 19, 2023
Sunday Feb 19, 2023
21st Century Radio® host Dr. Zohara Hieronimus talks with author Roberta Grimes about her book The Fun of Growing Forever: We Can't Transform the World Until We Transform Ourselves. They also discuss Roberta's extraordinary experiences of light, the nature of forgiveness and gratitude, and what we can learn from the dead.
To learn more about Roberta's work, head to
Sunday Feb 19, 2023
Sunday Feb 19, 2023
21st Century Radio® host Dr. Zohara Hieronimus talks with author and teacher Will Johnson on his work training people how to practice "embodiment." Johnson discusses the meaning of somatics, how our body holds truths that can help us live a more satisfying life, and his publication that goes even deeper on these topics: Breathing Through the Whole Body. http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/159477434X/hierco0f
To learn more about Will Johnson, visit